
Bible/Devotion ~ I am doing my David devotional daily and on Saturdays I am doing a Create in me a Clean Spirit.  My memory verse for this week is……

I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely…  Hosea 14:4

Things I must accomplish ~ take Doobies to speech, make dr. appt for Punkie, clean whole house for Punkie’s 1st b-day party, write encouragement notes,  post books on paperbackswap, clean and organize wash room.

Train “EM Up ~ Since, Bruiser is still at my parents and we don’t want to continue with our Brotherly Love Checklist, so we will be reading and studying our  Childrens Devotional Book, and holding boys accountable for their chore charts.  Also ,we will begin our week long study on MLK and learn about courage and freedom.

Handi-work/Reading ~ I need to finish the burp cloths for 2 friends by this Thursday.  I am making seasonal burp cloths ~ check back with photos this week.  I try to crochet at least 2 squares per day for our family afghan.  I am reading the book, The Apron Book and will probably start  A Wife After God’s Heart, too.

Exercises ~ at least 3x per week with Walk a Mile and Pilates for Dummies.

Prayer Request ~ Please pray for my parents and Bruisers safety as they travel and continue to pray for our soldier, Chad.

Menu Plan~

Monday ~ Black Bean Soup, salad, and homemade bread

Tuesday ~ spaghetti, green beans, garlic bread

Wednesday ~ Pork Roast, mashed potatoes with gravy, and broccoli

Thursday ~ Frito Pie Casserole and jello salad

Friday ~ Aplaoosa Bean Soup, rolls, and green salad

Sneak a peek at Orgjunkie to see what others are fixin’ this week.