My baby turned 12 today.  Where on earth has timed flown?  I know ~ changing diapers for the last 12 years without a break has consumed a majority of my time.  LOL!


My sweet, Hayden, is turning into a genuine man of God.  He loves the Lord and reasons from God’s word daily.  I have really seen fruit bloom this year.  His spiritual relationship is growing daily.  It truly is a blessing to see your children shine the light.


However, Hayden is a typical PRE-TEEN as he calls himself.  He loves to skateboard, play outside, create things from trash ~ He is brilliant in creativity, adores Stars Wars, and hates doing school work.

This year has been a significant year for Hayden.  He has made the choice to follow the Lord and take Him as his savior.  Hayden was baptized and was accompanied with a load of cheerleaders cheering him on.  It was such a special day for all of us.



Happy Birthday, sweet boy!  I love you tons!