
As soon as my children can recognize the numbers 1-100, we whip out our dominoes.

My 6 year old says this is his favorite subject, domino math.  It puts a smile on my face when he finds learning FUN.  Not to mention, he considers dominoes a core subject.

I find it important for my children to recognize numbers as sets, making it easier to memorize facts.  Each day, we practice recognizing the numbers on the dominoes.  Once they recognize the sets efficiently, I give them these printables to work  to help them master their addition and subtraction facts.

It has really worked well for my older children, too.

If you don’t own a set of dominoes, you can print off your own printable dominoes set.

Math Wire has more FUN games to teach math facts.

Have you read my eBook, Instilling Biblical Character:  100 Tips and Resources to Train Our Children?

FREE Ebook on Christian Education - Instilling Biblical Character