As hard as it is for me, I KNOW it is beneficial to break away from the tedious, redundant math books.  I fail tremendously in this area! I am check off list girl.  And I can’t check off the math book until we are 100% finished with it for the year.  I don’t want to be this way!  I strongly believe in reading Living Math books and making math real everyday.  But it’s still a struggle for me.  I have tons of math games and math living books, too!  We do not utilize them like we should!

I have decided next year, one day a week, we will ditch the math books and read living math books and do a math activity of some sort . Also, I am going to plan a designated computer time for each of my children for on-line math learning, too!  (So stay tuned for a future post on our favorite FREE on-line math games)

Here are a list of a few sites that have offer math activities for FREE!  These are not on-line games, but games and activities that are hands on.

These are just a few of the favorite ones that I found that I plan on using with my children!

Do you play math games with your children?  If so, what’s your favorite?

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