I have been wanting to put together some incentive chart/program for my 2 youngest sons ~ ds5 and ds3.  I stumbled across these cute little incentive charts and stickers at out local teacher supply store this past weekend.

I pasted the cute little chart  in the middle of an orange piece of card stock and labeled Grahm’s and Ryland’s Movie NightI decided to push the lesson on teamwork.  Every time the boys have a good school day or clean up their room with a cheerful heart they both get to place a sticker on the chart.  The adorable popcorn stickers look like this….

Putting a sticker on the chart is like eating a piece of candy in my lil’ ones eyes.  After the chart is consumed with little popcorn stickers, they will get to choose a movie together for us all to watch for Family Movie Night.  Of course we can’t forget the buttery salted popcorn.  Yummy!

Do you have any bribery incentive programs that work for your little ones?  Visit We are that Family for more WFMW.