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My children fell in love with this green playdough so we decided to make a fresh batch for St. Patrick’s Day!

green playdough

The children used a heart-shaped cookie cutter to make a shamrock. It was a wonderful time for me to explain the Trinity to them just like Patrick did in Ireland. It’s a fascinating story that the kids all enjoyed. The Trinity is a complicated subject to teach, but using this easy homemade green playdough recipe makes it easier for them to comprehend. 

jello playdough 2

The lime jello makes the green playdough smell wonderful!

How to make Green Playdough

  • 1 c of flour
  • 1/2 c of salt
  • 2T of Cream of Tarter
  • 2T of oil
  • 1 c of warm water
  • 3 oz lime jello packet

Place all the ingredients in a medium pot on medium heat and continue to stir until the mixture turns into a big ball. Don’t turn up the heat or the mixture will burn. Once mixture is formed into a ball, place on wax paper to cool. Once cooled, knead to get the desired consistency.

Store in zip locked baggies. It will last for months.

green playdough

Have the children make each heart and explain each person of the Trinity.

green playdough

We actually go over this several times to make sure they grasp the concept of three in one.

Be sure to check out these FUN Gold Coin Playdough Mats that teaches number recognition.

Thanks for sharing this green playdough recipe with others to enjoy!