At one time or another, every child imagines themselves as a superhero with unique superpowers. I know that I did! When I was younger, I always loved Wonder Woman. I even used to watch the Wonder Woman television show with Linda Carter. My husband’s favorite superheroes were Batman and Ironman. He has watched all of the Batman and Marvel series movies, and he used to read comic books. I guess that makes us a Super Couple!

Does your child have a favorite superhero? With this superhero writing prompt, your child can create his or her own superhero identify and backstory. A great way to teach writing.

Superhero Writing Activity

I have created a fun superhero theme activity for your kids to work on to get their creative juices working as they work on their story writing. I have provided a superhero banner and shield that they can decorate and color based on the superhero they create. They will also write their own superhero story using my superhero writing prompts. Your child can open their imagination to all sorts of ideas from what will be their superhero’s powers, their superhero identity, the villain, and any weaknesses. Their superheroes may even have their own pets.

I have also included 12 coloring pages for them to color and decorate the background any way they choose.

Does your child have a favorite superhero? With this superhero writing prompt, your child can create his or her own superhero identify and backstory. A great way to teach writing.

I have provided them with writing prompts to use to create their story, including pages where they can work on their vocabulary and sentence structure to write a cohesive story.

This is more than just a writing project as your child will be able to use visualization to write their story by visualizing what type of superhero they will be. Depending on their grade level, and with a little brainstorming, they can work on descriptive writing and develop a fun story and image.

Does your child have a favorite superhero? With this superhero writing prompt, your child can create his or her own superhero identify and backstory. A great way to teach writing.

My graphic organizer includes:

  • Sensory language prompts based on the five senses
  • A Beginning, Middle, and End page where your child can develop each stage of the story
  • Character Traits page where your child’s creativity can flow
  • Interesting Introductions page where your child can work on introducing the main character of their story – THEMSELF!
  • And one page for their rough draft and one page for their final story

Once they have written their story, they can draw their super shield and color in the superhero coloring pages. The story and images can be hung on the refrigerator for the entire family to look at and enjoy.

After the story is written and the shield is created, have your child work on their reading skills and read the story to the family.

For teachers, this fun activity can be used as writing and art projects, as well as part of your literacy centers. This can also be part of your comprehension activities, where students can work on using different parts of speech words by using Google to expand their vocabulary. This activity can be used for students as young as kindergarten, and your child will be an active participant in their own stories and creation. It is designed to make writing fun.

This is also a great writing lesson for English learners as they work on vocabulary, writing, and sentence structure. Let them work with their classmates to develop their own narrative stories.

After your students complete the activity, you can hang the pictures, shields, and stories on your bulletin board in the hallway outside your classroom.

Does your child have a favorite superhero? With this superhero writing prompt, your child can create his or her own superhero identify and backstory. A great way to teach writing.

What You Will Need

The project can be completed with materials that you should already have at home, including:

  • Scissors
  • Crayons, colored pencils, or markers
  • Different color construction paper
  • Glue or tape

Other Writing Prompts on BBAD!

St. Patrick’s Day is this week, so please check out my St. Patrick’s Day writing prompts along with the many other writing prompt resources available for free on my website.

I created these free superhero writing prompts for my email subscriber. Simply fill out the form below and you will instantly receive the PDF via email. Please take note of printing tips:

Please copy and paste the link in a new browser to print

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Thank you for visiting Blessed Beyond a Doubt and pinning this activity for others to enjoy!!!