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The average person gains about 5 lbs during the holiday season. That doesn’t seem so harsh until January comes around and you can’t seem to button your pants.

These practical weight loss tips will help you avoid the average 5 lbs during the holiday.

It will be much easier to reach your 2015 weight loss goal if you don’t gain those extra holiday pounds. I struggle with this each year. I dread getting on the scale on New Years Day.

However, this year I am going to follow these simple holiday weight loss tips to avoid those extra pounds that I tend to put on at holiday gatherings.

  1. Never arrive at your destination hungry. Eat a small healthy snack before you go.
  2. Always use the smallest plate available. You can out smart the buffet.
  3. Choose your portion size wisely. You can always go back for more if you are still hungry. More than likely, you won’t be.
  4. Always drink a glass of water before eating. Skipping the alcohol intake is best or try sticking to a glass of dry red wine.
  5. Try to avoid all the dips and sauces. Fill up on nuts, veggies, cheese, and fruit first.
  6. Avoid eating high fats with high carbs. This has really helped me with weight loss.
  7. If you must have dessert, only ask for a 1/2 of a serving.

Do you have any holiday weight loss tips to share with us?