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The flowers are blooming and the weather is getting warmer! It’s safe to say spring is in the air in our neck of the woods. 

yard sale tips

Once the weather starts getting a tad bit warmer, yard sales start popping up on every corner. I’m going to share with you some of my secret tips that I use to score big at yard sales. You’re friends will think you’re a yard sale pro after they see what you scored next weekend at the yard sales. It’s so rewarding too!

It’s completely up to you if you want to share these yard sale tips with your friends. I won’t tell if you decide you want to be known as the Yard Sale Queen! You’re secret is safe with me!

10 Tips for Scoring Big at Yard Sales

  1. Locate the sales. Look in the newspaper, Craigslist, and many cities have virtual yard sales on Facebook. Map out where you are going ahead of time.
  2. Go early. Set your alarm and plan to be at your first destination at 7am. You don’t want to miss all the HOT items.
  3. Make a Gift List. Write a list of all the people you need to buy gifts for. This is especially helpful for Christmas items. Be proactive.
  4. Bring Tote bags. Bring Walmart bags or tote bags to put all your finds in. Many times they do not have bags for you available or they run out early on in the sale.
  5. Bring cash. This is a must! Most yard sales do not accept credit cards. Make sure you have at least 20.00 in singles. 
  6. Shop wealthy neighborhoods. Wealthy neighborhoods tend to have more expensive items than a lower class neighborhood. But don’t neglect the lower class neighborhoods, you can still find that perfect gift. Go to the wealthy neighborhoods first.
  7. Always google big-ticket items. Find out how much an item is going for to avoid overspending. If the seller won’t negotiate, feel free to show them the information that you searched on your phone. It’s worth a shot.
  8. Bundle items. Grab your bags and bundle several items together and ask the seller if they would be willing to give you the bundle for xxx amount. Most people just want to get rid of their stuff.
  9. negotiate. Most all sellers are willing to budge, so make this a habit. Just do it.
  10. Go Back. Always go back towards the end of the sale. Most people will just give you their items so they don’t have to pack them up. It works like a charm. 

If you follow these simple tips, you’ll sure to be known as the Yard Sale Queen. However, beware because yard sale shopping is an addiction.I have found many homeschool items too. Once you start finding these wonderful items at a very low price, you won’t want to stop. So always set a budget and stick to it. 

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Do you have any yard sale tips that will help us win our Yard Sale Queen trophy? Let us know your secrets.