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New Year’s is right around the corner. Dressing up is a ton of fun, but when you’re a mom it’s kind of in your nature to want to keep it classy.

New Years EveIf you plan on heading out for New Year’s, you can rock an awesome outfit, even if you’re a mom.

Here are several tips on how to rock an outfit on New Year’s:

Find a Flattering Outfit

The first step to rocking an outfit is finding one that flatters you. Being a mom has probably changed the shape of your body a little bit, which means you feel comfortable in different clothes than you once did.

Comfort is Important

As you age, comfort is totally important whenever you’re going out for a night. Even if you’re partying the night away at home, you can still rock a comfortable New Year’s outfit. Comfort from head to toe is extremely important.

Sparkle it Up

It’s not every night, as a mom, you get to wear sparkles. You don’t need to sparkle from head to toe, but adding a little bling here or there certainly won’t hurt anything. You can sparkle with your jewelry, shoes, or even allow your outfit to sparkle a bit.

Don’t Forget the Matching Purse

Sometimes a mix-matching purse is fun, but for the most part, it’s nice to have a purse that matches your New Year’s outfit. For one night, you get to leave the house without a diaper bag or an extra outfit in tow. You can choose something simple to carry your ID and debit card. You may not know what hit you whenever you’re carrying around a simple and light purse.

Make a Statement

There are no rules when it comes to making a statement with your outfit. Just because you’re a mom, it doesn’t mean you don’t still have style and pizzazz. If a red dress is calling your name, then a red dress is what you shall wear. Don’t let your fear of what others think overshadow your desire to stand out. Remember that there are good ways to stand out and bad ways to stand out.

Out of Ideas?

If you can’t think of a New Year’s outfit to rock, consider some of these tips.

  • Try a blazer to help snazzy up your New Year’s outfit.
  • Flats are still in and are very comfortable and flattering.
  • Wearing a belt is very fashionable.
  • Add some jewelry or a scarf.

Rocking a New Year’s outfit as a mom is about staying classy, but still rocking your own style.

What tips do you have for a mom trying to put her outfit together for this once –a-year occasion?