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It’s never too early to introduce your children to Nature Studies!

Here’s a FREE First Lesson in Nature Study eBook to help you set up nature walks, lesson plans, and nature journals!


Children should be encouraged to watch, patiently and quietly, until they learn something of the habits and history of bee, ant, wasp, spider, hairy caterpillar, dragon-fly, and whatever of larger growth comes in their way.  (Charlotte Mason, Home Education, p. 65)

First Lessons in Nature Study is a beginning guide for parents to enjoy Nature Study with their children. The guide shows parents how to set up a lesson, plan an outing, keep a nature journal, and provides four read-to-go outdoor studies that require no preparation.

Table of Contents

  1. Why Nature Study?
  2. Helping Your Child Find “Delightful, Small Discoveries”
  3. Tips for Better Nature Walks
  4. Nature Study #1: Microclimates
  5. Nature Study #2: Needle Knowledge
  6. Nature Study #3: Parts of a Tree
  7. Nature Study #4:  Finding the Goldenrod Gall Wasp
  8. 100 Nature-Oriented Things to Do
  9. Keeping a Nature Journal
  10. Books to Inspire and Teach

Be sure to check out DIY Homeschool Science Kits!

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