So, our question this week is:

How do you handle computer use in your homeschool with your children? Do you allow them to have non school related time on the computer? How much? What do they typically do? Also, What subjects do your children do on the computer? If it is a program, which one? Likes/dislikes.

We limit computer use to a bare minimum.  I am the mean mommy that refuses to allow my children to have a facebook account, etc.  Any other mean mommies out there?  According to my ds, there isn’t.  lol!

My ds14, ds13, and ds10 all are assigned projects each week that correlate with our Wisdom Booklets.  They do research and either do a notebook page on publisher or make a power point presentation.  We have a PG Key on our main computer that protects them from visiting any unfriendly sites.  Read about my review here.  It really is a nifty little thing.  However, the coolest thing about the PG Key is that each child has a log in with a timer.   Once their allotted time has expired, it kills it!  So sorry if you didn’t finish your project or keyboarding for the day.  This teaches time management.  Each child has 30 minutes per day to finish their daily assignment, check email, or leisure time.

The only subject that the boys complete on the computer is keyboarding, Mavis Beacon.  Last year, they completed math on the computer and they did have 45 minutes.

Check out my give a way here.

Today I am linking up with Homeschool Question of the Week.