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Nothing is quite as amazing as fresh cookies, warm and gooey from the oven—except maybe the raw dough.

Which one of these cookie dough ideas will you try first?

Whether you are the type of person who eats more cookie dough than you bake or the type who prefers that fresh-out-of-the-oven taste, this list of desserts is sure to have something to pique your interest and tantalize your taste buds.
Stuff It Into Cupcakes
Who says you have to decide between cookies and cupcakes for dessert? Have them both! Make your chocolate cupcakes even better by adding chocolate chip cookie dough in the center before baking them. Are you more of a vanilla lover than a chocoholic? Sugar cookie dough tastes fabulous inside of vanilla cupcakes.
Make Your Dream Cake
Skip the traditional cake batter for this sweet treat. Instead, bake your favorite brownies, but before you dig in, layer them with raw cookie dough, alternating until you have your desired serving. You can even dress it up by adding a thin layer of icing, some chocolate chips, and some whipped cream. Alternatively, drop raw cookie dough into your brownie batter prior to pouring it into the baking pan. The result? A brookie!
Create Cookie Dough Pops
You’ve probably heard of cake pops, which are no doubt delicious, but also a bit hard to create if you are not a god or goddess of baking. Raw cookie dough pops are easier for a novice to create because the dough has a thicker consistency than cake batter. Simply roll it into balls, poke a stick in it, and dip it into your choice of toppings. Melted chocolate works well for chocolate chip cookie dough, or try caramel or sprinkles with sugar cookie dough.
Have an Ice Cream Sandwich
This is another idea that works whether you prefer raw dough or baked dough. Once you mix up your favorite cookie dough, you can bake it before adding the ice cream, or you can roll it and cut it into squares to hold the ice cream in place. There are so many different flavors of cookie dough and ice cream that your options are practically endless. Go classic with chocolate chip dough and vanilla ice cream, or get creative by choosing a gourmet ice cream to eat with sugar dough.
Make a Cookie Cup
Do ice cream sandwiches seem a little too messy? Don’t dirty those dishes yet! Simply mix up your cookie dough of choice, press it evenly into the cups of a muffin tin, and bake according to directions. Once you’ve removed the cups from the tin, add a scoop of ice cream and some toppings and enjoy.
Design Your Own Cheesecake
You don’t need to go to a fancy, expensive restaurant to get a fancy cheesecake. You can make chocolate chip cookie dough or sugar cookie cheesecake right at home. Simply mix up your cream cheese filling according to the directions, stir in your cookie dough, and chill. Top with caramel, hot fudge, or anything else you think would go well with your dessert.
Get a Little Salty
Salt goes just as well with chocolate chip cookie dough as sugar does. Try putting a spoonful of dough between two pretzels for a fantastic merging of two favorite flavors. If you want to serve this at a party or other function, you can dress it up by dipping half of each cookie dough and pretzel sandwich into chocolate. Once the chocolate cools, dip it in sprinkles.
Blend It in a Milkshake
Grab a blender. Now grab your favorite ice cream, your milk of choice, your dough, and as much ice as you’ll need to reach your desired milkshake consistency. Put it all in the blender, blend until smooth, pour into a glass, and serve.
Make a Cookie Pizza
Who says your cookies have to be small? Roll your dough out onto a pizza pan and bake it as needed to create one giant cookie. Once baked, spread cream cheese icing across the entire thing. Top with your favorite fresh fruit and enjoy.
The Health Factor
Obviously, while none of these dessert ideas are without calories and fat, you can make them healthier by using fruit, nuts, almond milk, and other healthy alternatives where possible. You can even get healthier cookie dough. The Hampton Creek Facebook page describes their product; a healthier cookie dough that uses no eggs, so not only is there no risk of salmonella when you eat it raw, but there is also no cholesterol.
Is your mouth watering? Are you having trouble deciding which delicious idea to try first? Grab your favorite cookie dough and get to work on tonight’s dessert!