This is a sponsored post written on behalf of Teach My Children English, Inc. All opinions are 100% my very own.

Are you wondering how to teach English?

Are you looking for a fun, fast, easy way to teach English to your English language learners (ESL students)? Well, look no further. I have had the opportunity to review a great English language program that is used all over the world. It’s forever changing lives one lesson at a time.

I absolutely fell in love with this easy way to teach English to students. I love the phonic games and the charts. #teachenglishtokids #homeschool #kindergarten #phonics for kids

I’m quite IMPRESSED!

Teach My Children English, Inc. (TMCE) is a Christian-based company that is determined to help the poor around the world through the teaching of Easy English lessons. Teach My Children English started as a response to God’s thunderous voice commanding Teri Spray (Founder of TMCE) to “Teach My Children English” one morning in 2010. In 2014, she was approached by an Indian ministry leader asking “Can you teach my Indian teachers to speak English well? Will you come and teach my teachers to teach English?” It was through these experiences that Miss Spray founded her company and developed her program to teach English in a fun and easy fashion.

What is different about Teach My Children English teaching methods?

  • Every lesson contains action, color, picture, and rhythm
  • Lessons build upon one another
  • Sound drills teach speaking and listening
  • Enjoyable songs, games, and activities make practice fun

How to teach English with TMCE

TCME uses rhythm, poems, and songs throughout their curriculum. The system is very easy to use as it is designed to let the learners work at their own pace using audio and video lessons. Easy English makes reading easy for all children, even those with dyslexia. Easy English uses easy to teach multi-media lessons and whole-brain activities. The proven sound-based approach to teaching phonograms improves visual processing, auditory processing, language development, speech, articulation, reading comprehension, and writing skills.

Many Autistic learners also do well with this program.

The Easy English curriculum uses a very simple and basic approach to teaching English through the use of rhythm to facilitate retention, reading, and speaking. This is not a new method of teaching. We use rhythm all the time to teach our children to speak, and Dr. Seuss (one of my favorite children’s authors) makes fantastic use of rhythm in all of his books. TMCE uses rhythm, poems, and songs throughout their curriculum.

They also teach one sound at a time with each lesson building on the previous and introducing new words with each lesson. The system uses basic words to make short stories that are fun to read. Games and songs keep the joy in the journey. Rhythm exercises keep the learning strong, and language exercises make the comprehension strong and teach speaking skills.

There are three volumes of curriculum, an action-based picture directory for review and practice, as well as a teacher’s guide. Every lesson, as well as the Picture Directory, has been recorded on video as well as for you to read and speak. TMCE has added games and songs that are demonstrated by children to make the learning lasting and enjoyable.

For those that work in foreign countries teaching English, this is a great program to leave behind because it nearly teaches itself. Learning English changes lives. Even a begging child can receive help from English speaking visitors if he/she can speak English well. English speaking children can avoid child labor, sex trafficking, and grinding poverty. Speaking American English clearly opens job opportunities worldwide.

So you might be wondering if you can use this program for your children who speak solely English.

Absolutely you can.

As a reading teacher in a public school, this program is fabulous. Not only do I love the heart behind this program, but the fact that it requires the students to use multi-senses when learning phonics. I am definitely going to supplement the TMCE charts and songs with my ESL students.

The Nitty-Gritty about TMCE

TMCE is a 501c3, non-profit organization. Mike and Teri Spray, founders and leaders of TMCE, have more than 40 years of experience; and TMCE has a record of financial integrity, with minimal overhead and maximum impact. TMCE is also a group of friends, and every member of TEAM EASY ENGLISH is counted as an important part of their work.

TMCE invites everyone who is interested in TMCE’s ministry to become part of TEAM EASY ENGLISH. Go to their website and you can actually start learning right there. If you want more of their materials, you can also order online or call the office at 303-688-6626. TMCE would love to see Americans use this program to help one another here as well as abroad.

I absolutely fell in love with this easy way to teach English to students. I love the phonic games and the charts. #teachenglishtokids #homeschool #kindergarten #phonics for kids


I encourage all of you to sign up to receive 5 FREE lessons of your choice.

You can join the TMCE team through donations. The TMCE staff is all volunteers. Every gift received will be directed to support the poor who wish to learn English.

How to teach English has never been so easy and effective!