Need Simple bathroom organization tips? I’ve got you covered!
If you have been hangin’ with me for awhile, you know I am into cheap and simple organization. I thrive on organization especially since we lost over 1000 square feet in our new home when we moved.
Ouch! I had to figure something to organize the bathroom that is used by 5 of us. Something simple, so the rest of the gang wouldn’t ask me where something is 24/7.
Yes, it’s a little pet peeve of mine, when someone asks me a silly question where something is when it’s so obvious to me. I believe this is a man’s favorite way to annoy a busy wife besides leaving the toilet seat up in the middle of the night.
My cheap bathroom organization tips
Supplies Needed
- Plastic clear shoe boxes
(dollar store, of course)
- Black chalkboard labels
- White Paint Pen
- Big Trash Bag
Easy Steps to Bathroom Organization Tips
- Discard any expired products or stuff that you don’t use in your big garbage bag
- Decide on what you are going to name your shoeboxes (think from a man’s point of view)
- Place marked labels on shoe boxes
- Put all shoe boxes on floor
- Start filling your shoe boxes with the appropriate stuff
- Organize the shoe boxes after all the products are in the individual boxes
- Place organized shoe boxes in closet or cabinets
- Have a quick in service with family about where everything is located
Here’s My Labels, but Label Yours How You Wish
- Nails – nail polish
, nail clippers
, etc
- Tummy – anything that has to do with stomach issues
- Girl Stuff – tampons
, pads
, etc
- James – all my hubbie’s stuff including his vitamin that he swears he going to start taking
- Extra Essentials – toothpaste
, soap
, etc.
- Topicals – bandaids
, anything topical related
- ENT – anything to do with ears, nose, and throat
- Bows
– all my daughters hair goodies
- Stuff – powder, mouthwash
, and things we don’t use everyday
So simple, huh?
This easy system has been working for us for a month and I have not received one silly question about where something is.
See how we decorated our bathroom in our little country home.
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Do you have any easy storage ideas or simple or simple bathroom organization tips to share with us?
I am loving this post! Ive been wanting to organize my bathroom stuff for forever!
I am so glad that you found it helpful!
I love how you said to think from a man’s perspective. This will help us all work together in maintaining it.
I am going to get all my extras out and use these boxes and labels to organize for my man (is this a universal issue?? ) with Teeth- floss, paste, wash, extra brushes, Body -lotion and wash, Hair- gel, shampoo conditioner, and whatever else I have gotten great deals on. Silly excited for some plastic boxes!
I am 65 yrs old, why did I not have this when my children were young and at home. Thanks anyway.