Today is Friday!  We have fun over at Gypsy Mama, won’t you join us?  We are encouraged to write whatever is  on our hearts about the infamous word, GRIT.  No editing either cuz that’s cheating!  I have only 5 minutes.

So here’s my best unedited 5 minutes…

Getting down to the nitty gritty is my unattractive nature.  I like my ducks in a row at all times. Unexpected surprises don’t excite me, but frustrate me.

Striving on a schedule each day while training and educating  6 kiddos tends to get my panties in a wad.  Something unravels my yarn and anxiety Satan wins.

Some people tend to think it is a gift to be organized and scheduled minded, but truly it’s steals my joy when my plan is jerked just a tad.

I don’t want to be this way.

I have a tendency to think that my ways are better than His ways more than I like to admit.  He is in control; not silly me.

It’s His job to get the nitty gritty job done.  My priority is to love my God with my whole heart and not lean on my own understanding.

Yesterday I had the amazing blessing in experiencing His presence in my very own backyard.  Just a moment to reflect on His might handy work and that He is omniscience and He will not forsake me.





And to just think my ways are better than His ways is ludicrous.


Please help me to instill in my heart your Holy Word that you state in Isaiah 55:8-9,

For my thoughts are not your thoughts,

neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth,

so are my ways higher than your ways.

Times up.

Do you often struggle with your ways?