
Visit Tiany to check out other Monday Meanderings.

Bible/Devotion ~I am starting the free bible study on-line Woman of Excellence.
I am asking God to teach me to be content with what I have. Also, I am finishing reading Homemaking by JR Miller. I must organize my prayer journal.

Must Do ~take Doobies to speech, organize school room, prepare lesson plans, and write thank you notes

Housecleaning ~ the zone thing just makes my skin crawl so I will be organizing a new cleaning schedule that suits my fancy. So, everyday will be Home Blessing for me. (: I have already put up all my Christmas decorations….YIPPEE!!! {jumping up and down and doing the splits}

Training “EM up ~ we will be working on following our If then chart, practicing table manners, and implementing the boys chore charts. Also, we will start back school on Wednesday.

Prayer Request ~ please pray for Chad, a friend of ours that is leaving to serve in Iraq. He leaves behind a wife and 2 daughters. Pray for his safety.

Meal Plan


Monday ~ tons and tons of junk!!!! Finger foods!!!

Tuesday ~ Black-eyed peas, salad, and confetti bread

Wednesday ~ country style pork chops, stuffing, broccoli, and apple sauce

Thursday ~ sloppy joes and French fries

Friday ~ left-overs

Stop by Laura and see what others are eating this week. Happy New Years!!!!