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My kids love hands on activities especially my four-year old. 

Christmas sensory bottle

Last year I made her a super FUN Christmas Sensory bin and she played with it for at least an hour at a time while I was doing school with the older boys.

This year I decided to so something a little different, but festive.

Each one of my little kiddos made a Christmas sensory bottle. My oldest is almost 10 and he even enjoyed making his own Christmas Sensory Bottle.

Here’s What  You Need for a Christmas Sensory Bottle

  • Empty water bottle
  • jingle bells (dollar store)
  • Christmas erasers (dollar store)
  • Pony Beads
  • Pipe Cleaners
  • Sequins
  • food coloring (optional)

Christmas sensory bottle_1

Have your child fill their empty water bottle with their little do dads. I put the beads, sequins, and other materials in a muffin pan to keep them organized.  After the bottle is about 1/4 full of FUN items, fill the bottle with water and food coloring. I glued the top with hot glue to secure it. You must make sure the lid and bottle are completely dry or the hot glue will not hold.

My kids love to shake it up and down while I am filling out Christmas cards or working on my Christmas Planner. I also allow them to play with it during read a loud time.

Check out our FUN Christmas Slime recipe and edible candy cane playdough mats and recipe.

Making a Christmas sensory bottle is super easy and your children will adore it! Have FUN!