I am teaching ds9 how to tell time again.  We started last year and he got the hang of it at first, but we hit a concrete block.  While the tears were flowing, I decided to put it away until this week.  I strongly believe in the hands on approach in teaching math, especially for the younger ones.  I really only use a set curriculum for ds12 and ds14.  For the younger ones, I just pull bits and pieces from the gazillion curricula that God has blessed us with.  Those who know me, agree He really has been very merciful in this area.  lol!  I like to teach the principles with every subject.  I found this gem of selections of reading and problems, Keeping Time.  It this piece are excerpts from Language Through Nature, Everyday Life in the Colonies, and Everyday Arithmetic.  I believe I snatched it from Homeschool Freebie of the Day, but when I searched on their site, it’s unavailable.  I tried to find a link to where you could purchase, but had no luck finding one.   Mystery to me.

You can put your on book together by using the following resources in the listed order…

Language Through Nature Ch 8 p128-131

Everyday Arithmetic p116-128 or 98-106 lessons

Everyday Life in The Colonies p69-78

You will have to copy and paste into a document and clean it up a bit, but it will be worth it.

Doobie is learning how to read roman numerals during this math unit, too.  Which makes complete sense to me, considering our big clocks in our living room are roman numerals.  Of course, we are practicing with a clock that has minutes.

Another excellent resource is MathMammoth ~ Clock.  I received it for free, but it is only 3.50.  This is more a workbook style, but extremely thorough.  It also explains quarter to, half-past, etc. 

Do you have any tricks in teaching time successfully?