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Michelangelo Biography Workbook Unit


Michelangelo (1475-1564)

Learn all about this famous artist of the Italian Renaissance, well known for painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.  Readers will also gain insight into the workings of the powerful Medici family of Florence.

What is the Biography Workbook Series?

The Biography Workbook Series offers mini-unit workbooks on important figures from history.  Brief chunks of informative text are interspersed with questions (ranging from basic recall to critical thinking) and fun activities.  Each workbook can be completed in as little as an afternoon.

These great workbooks serve as perfect supplements to a student’s study of history, and function equally well as stand-alone units.  Teachers love using these in the classroom.  Homeschooling parents use them year-round, either to supplement history lessons during the academic year, or to keep information fresh over the summer.

These popular workbooks are guaranteed to not only teach fascinating history, but to increase reading comprehension, vocabulary knowledge, and writing skills.  Ideal for any student aged 12 and up–from a seventh-grade history buff to a high school-level AP History student.

Go to Currclick to purchase Michelangelo Biography Workbook Unit for only $1.00!

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