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Mathbooking - St. Patrick's Day Journal

A Math journal is a great way to promote your child’s ability to learn and grow through words, numbers and even pictures.

This is an eBook filled with 10 math journal prompts with a St. Patrick’s Day theme. Your child can cut them out and paste them into their own math journal or they can use this booklet as their own math journal.

The different skills covered in the packet are:

roman numerals
higher level thinking
spatial concepts

Go to Currclick to purchase the following for $1.00 each:

Mathbooking – St. Patrick’s Day Journal (3rd and 4th grades)

Mathbooking – St. Patrick’s Day Journal (1st and 2nd grades)

 Mathbooking – St. Patrick’s Day Journal (kindergarten)

Have you read my FREE eBook, Teaching Multi-level in the Homeschool yet?