
I have been analyzing my goals, missions, and earnestly trying to put my earthly life in somewhat of perspective. Is that possible? I know that I am here for one purpose, which is to glorify the King. But how do I attain that specific goal? What is really important? Of course, there are several things on my list that I want to tackle…..

~teach my children to love and obey the Lord

~give my children an education

~be a Godly wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend

~be a Godly influence to others

~seek the lost somehow without being overbearing

And these are just a few. But how do I really get on the wagon? Today, I was visiting a friend, Amber and I read her post which lead me to Amy’s Humble Musing. Amy just took my thoughts and put them into words for me. Thank you, Amy. Please read her inspiring post on living a simple life the way God wants us to.

So, today, I will begin my first step into the journey of truly seeking a simple life in a way that will glorify God. I know I will fall off the wagon but I will climb back up, because Jesus will grab my hand.