Self Arranging A Traveling Vacation With Your Family

The summer holiday is getting closer. Some people might have traveling as a family routine event so that you might have been familiar with certain travel agent that handle all of your vacation. You might also pay for some vacation package with certain itinerary, accommodation, and transportation means. However, many other people who have limited budget with large number of family members that want to have vacation. Here are some points that you might follow about self arranging a travelling vacation with you family.

We also provide a summer holiday planner to download for free of charge.

Estimate how much money you want to plot as the vacation budget on cash.

I won’t suggest you to borrow from the bank or make any loan to have traveling vacation with your family. Traveling vacation is a tertiary need or something that is a not too urgent need usually. However, it depends also with your commitment and decision with your husband.

Decide when and where you want to make the travelling vacation.

Do you want to make it during the high or low season. It can be adjusted with the budget you have and work schedule. The moment of high and low seasons in different place has also different consideration for many cases.

Make a list or mind map of what you need to manage with some budget allocation.

Consider the season you plan to have the vacation and the culture you will come across. Do you want to have single place to visit or is it available for you to do multiple places to visit. You might use travel agent service to arrange. If you do all the arrangement by yourselves, it is good to compare one between another alternatives.

Decide on the transportation and the accommodation first.

Make adjustment between both of them. You may do all booking by yourselves, but some travel agent service will have cheaper prices than self booking prices. Using partial service of travel agent will usually be the best deal.

Browse using the internet for any activities in the location you might take advantage.

Consider your budget, time allocation, and your family engagement. You are the best person to know your family interest and condition. If you have older children, having more crowded events won’t be a problem. However, younger children will usually prefer more moving activities. It also depends on the location you choose. 

In case that you need a local tourist guide, browse for some alternatives in the internet.

Compile them on a contact list with some noted information to compare. In some location you might need to bargain fees and facilities. Local tourist guide might also help you to deal the best price for certain local events or performance. Of course you need to give them some extra tips for this service usually. However, the amount of the tips is usually smaller than the cost or fee difference.

Pre-arrange the food order

Rather than being confused of choosing which food you will choose, you might pre-arrange the food order to use the time more effectively. Get some information about menu available in some “safe” restaurant. You might find out about the local food ingredients and methods to make sure it is safe for your family. Therefore you might prevent some allergic food if there is any.

“To Bring List”

Make some list of gadgets, individual clothes based on the traveling duration and seasons, toys, individual vitamin and medicines, etc so there won’t be anything left out in the traveling. You might assign other family members to compile the items in the list. It will also give responsibility for children to know their stuffs and things.

Brainstorm or mind map to do list for traveling preparation.

Brainstorming is one way to make your vacation preparation well-organized. Get some list so that nothing will be left out. That might include shopping list and any general to do things. You might also build up the list collaboratively with your children.

Plan The Memory

Having some traveling journal and diary with kids will make the traveling an everlasting memory. Scrapbooking of traveling photography with kids will also make kids more excited to practice their photography skills.

Do you have any other tips to follow for self arranging a traveling vacation with your family?