lp_friends_in_christ-1296.pngPhilippians 1: 27-30

” But whatever happens to me, you must live in a manner worthy of the Good News about Christ, as citizens of heaven. Then, whether I come and see you again or only hear about you, I will know that you are standing side by side, fighting together for the Good News. Don’t be intimidated by your enemies. This will be a sign to them that they are going to be destroyed, but that you are going to be saved, even by God himself. For you have been given not only the privilege of trusting in Christ but also the privilege of suffering for him. We are in this fight together. You have seen me suffer for him in the past, and you know that I am still in the midst of this great struggle.”NLT

Please read this encouraging post at AccordingtoHisPower. She is suffering due to the sin in her life. How often I have sinned in this same manner. God please forgive me! I’m not so much into keeping up with the Jones’ as I once was, but I do tend to prejudge people, sometimes it is due to the ugly gossip that I have heard or just because, well, I really don’t know. I don’t think I judge a person by their appearance, but I do judge. Hello, Jill! That is not your job, it’s God’s job. Also, maybe once or twice, I have gossiped before to a friend. But, I am honestly trying to work on it. I read once in a book ~ When you gossip about someone, you actually lead the person you are telling the gossip to, to sin themselves. They will have a ugly picture of the poor gossiped person in their mind, sometimes without evening knowing the person. That hit a nerve with me. I never thought about it like that. But, I know I have painted a not so pretty picture of that someone in my mind after I heard the gossip. I still am unclear of what defines gossip and what is not. Of course, if I were to tell you that Kelly or Amy were pregnant by someone other than their hubbies that would be considered gossip. LOL, Amy and Kelly. But, what if you feel it in your heart that you need to warn someone of someone’s else’s devilish nature to avoid harm to that person???? Something I need to pray about this week.

Have a good weekend. I know you will be blessed by reading Accordingtohispower post.

PS ~ Kelly and Amy aren’t adultery sinners! I just used them as an example ~ LOL!