

Today over at I have to say.., the topic is “If only I would have known..”

Ouch, this one hurts! I can’t stress this enough!!! Get the public school grade level thing out of your head! It is one of the hardest thing that I have had to overcome in my homeschool experience. Do not push your child when he/she isn’t ready. It will back fire on you, create tons of tears, and will make you and your child jump off a cliff. My ds was not ready to read or learn his times table at the desired public school grade level. So, I pushed and pushed! And pushed some more. It took us 2 years to learn the x’s table , one day it just clicked. He learned division in an hour. I wished I would have spent more time on his gifted talents during those 2 long years of drilling times table. Concentrate on their strengths, the rest will come when God is ready for them to accomplish that specific goal. God made us all different and we all learn at different rates.