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Spelling has always been a challenge for all my children. I’m not sure why because I excelled at it in school. I’ve tried every curriculum out there and finally received the best results with a hands-on approach.

Practice your spelling words with these simple printables. They work wonders for my kiddos.

I found that using an engaging curriculum, writing their words in different formats, and using FUN spelling test printables, my children all do so much better on their spelling tests.

I created these practice your spelling words printables to make it easy for the children to know what to do each day with their spelling word list.

The pages include writing the words 3x each, alphabetical ordering, and writing sentences with each of their spelling words.

These printables can be used for children that go to school or homeschool. They are very adaptable to meet all students needs.

I created these printables for my email subscribers. Simply fill out the form below and you will receive the PDF instantly via email. Please check your spam folder. I create several weekly freebies, so you always have something to look forward to.


What spelling practice technique works for your students?