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One of the best ways to learn strong character traits is to study the people in the Bible.  These FREE notebook pages are geared for ages 8 through High School.


Studying the characters of the people in the scriptures is a great way for your children to connect with the principles being taught and learn how to better apply them to their lives. There are so many great examples in the bible to follow, as well as, some not so great examples to learn from of how not to behave.

There are 2 sets in this collection of notebooking pages to choose from, with additional pages for people you’d like to study not included in these sets..

 New Testament people included in these sets:
    1. Zacharias
    2. Elisabeth, Mother of John the Baptist
    3. Mary, Mother of Jesus
    4. Joseph
    5. Herod the Great
    6. Jesus (Early Years)
    7. John the Baptist
    8. Herod Antipas
    9. Jesus (Ministry)
    10. Simon Peter (Apostle)
    11. John (Apostle)
    12. James, Son of Zebedee (Apostle)
    13. Andrew (Apostle)
    14. Philip (Apostle)
    15. Bartholomew (Apostle)
    16. Thomas (Apostle)
    17. Matthew (Apostle)
    18. James, Son of Alphoeus (Apostle)
    19. Thaddaeus (Apostle)
    20. Simon the Zealot (Apostle)
    21. Judas Iscariot (Apostle)
    22. Lazaius
    23. Zacchaeus
    24. Nicodemus
    25. Pontius Pilate
    26. Mary Magdalene
    27. Jesus (Last Days)
    28. Saul/Paul

Have your read my FREE eBook, Teaching Multi-levels in the Homeschool yet?