This beautiful song truly touched my heart written and sung by Cherie Norquay, one of my readers.  I feel honored she asked me to share with you all.

So many of us, have sacrificed fancy cars, big houses, and prestigious jobs in the workforce to raise our children at home.

Often we go unnoticed.

No one seems to take note of…

our sparkling toilets

the countless dirty diapers we change

the boo boo’s kissed

the extracurricular activities attendance

the bedtime stories read

the loads of laundry washed

the healthy meals cooked

However, the Lord notices every little thing we do, including our sparkly toilets.

He has called us to the most important career that has existed for women with the most extraordinary benefits.

Raising Disciples for His glory.

Embrace it and Live it!

Happy Mother’s Day, dear ones!